Does art Need
An ePortfolio
Madison H. Austin
Ojos sobre la mesa
Remedios Varo, 1938
The Ghost of Vermeer of Delft Which Can Be Used as a Table
Salvador Dali, 1934
Die Journalisten
Hannah Hoch, 1925
Dada and SurrealisM
Why do You nEEd Purpose?
As a life-long writer, I have understood–in a general sense–what it means to create art. I have become familiar with the process of creating art and sharing it with others. When I was about 15, I started to engage with different kinds of art that I never had before. I became really interested in and passionate about visual art; paintings, sculpture, photomontage, etc. When I eventually stumbled on the Dada and Surrealism movements, I was fascinated. I had never considered that art could be made just for the sake of art with no blatant meaning or purpose, but it felt inspiring as a person and as someone who is passionate about creating. Why does art need meaning? Aren’t you exhausted from trying to fit every little thing into a perfectly-sized box? Why don’t we just make art because we want to? Art can be art simply because we say it can. There is a sacred liberation and freedom in the absence of rules.
SeconD Experiment
Dada Portrait of Berenice Abbott
Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven, 1923-1926
The Two Fridas
Frida Kahlo, 1939
FulLy RealiZed ProJect
Video Essay
Two characters (Marie-Thérèse and her sister reading)
Pablo Picasso, 1934
I am Sophomore at the University of Michigan in the Sweetland Minor in Writing Program. I love reading, writing, music, and art (clearly ☺).
My favorite book ever is The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath.
One of my favorite songs (of many) is Can’t Stop by the Red Hot Chili Peppers.
one of
my favorite
paintings ☺
La Creacion De las Aves
(The Creation of the Birds)
Remedios Varo, 1957